Sunday, May 24, 2020

Matrimonium Types of Roman Marriage

Living together, prenuptial agreements, divorce, religious wedding ceremonies, and legal commitments all had a place in ancient Rome. The Romans were unlike other Mediterranean people in that they made marriage a union between social equals instead of valuing submissiveness in women. Motives for Marriage In ancient Rome, if you planned to run for office, you could increase your chances of winning by creating a political alliance through the marriage of your children. Parents arranged marriages to produce descendants to tend the ancestral spirits. The name matrimonium with its root mater (mother) shows the principle objective of the institution, namely the creation of children. Marriage could also improve social status and wealth. Some Romans even married for love, an uncommon thing for the historical time period! The Legal Status of Marriage Marriage was not a state affair—at least it wasnt until Augustus made it his business. Before that the rite was a private matter discussed only between husband and wife and their families. Nonetheless, there were legal requirements so it wasnt just automatic. People getting married had to have the right to marry, or the connubium. Connubium is defined by Ulpian (Frag. v.3) to be uxoris jure ducendae facultas, or the faculty by which a man may make a woman his lawful wife. -Matrimonium Who Had the Right to Marry? Generally, all Roman citizens and some non-citizen Latins had connubium. However, there was no connubium between patricians and plebeians until the Lex Canuleia (445 B.C.). The consent of both patres familias (patriarchs) was required. Bride and groom must have reached puberty. Over time, examination to determine puberty gave way to standardization at age 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Eunuchs, who would never reach puberty, were not permitted to marry. Monogamy was the rule, so an existing marriage precluded connubium as did certain blood and legal relationships. The Betrothal, Dowry, and Engagement Rings Engagements and engagement parties were optional, but if an engagement were made and then backed out of, breach of contract would have had financial consequences. The brides family would give the engagement party and formal betrothal (sponsalia) between the groom and the bride-to-be (who was now sponsa). Dowry, to be paid after the marriage, was decided on. The groom might give his fiancà © an iron ring (anulus pronubis) or some money (arra). How Roman Matrimonium Differed from Modern Western Marriage Its in terms of property ownership that Roman marriage sounds most unfamiliar. Communal property was not part of marriage, and the children were their fathers. If a wife died, the husband was entitled to keep one fifth of her dowry for each child, but the rest would be returned to her family. A wife was treated as a daughter of the pater familias to whom she belonged, whether that was her father or the family into which she married. Distinctions Between Marriage Types Who had control of the bride depended on the type of marriage. A marriage in manum conferred the bride on the grooms family along with all her property. One not in manum meant the bride was still under the control of her pater familias. She was required to be faithful to her husband as long as she cohabited with him, however, or face divorce. Laws regarding dowry were probably created to deal with such marriages. A marriage ​in manum made her the equivalent of a daughter (filiae loco) in her husbands household. There were three types of marriages in manum: Confarreatio - Confarreatio was an elaborate religious ceremony with ten witnesses, the flamen dialis (himself married confarreatio), and pontifex maximus in attendance. Only the children of parents married confarreatio were eligible. The grain far was baked into a special wedding cake (farreum) for the occasion, hence the name confarreatio.Coemptio - In coemptio, the wife carried a dowry into the marriage, but was ceremoniously bought by her husband in front of at least five witnesses. She and her possessions then belonged to her husband. This was the type of marriage in which, according to Cicero, it is thought the wife declared ubi tu gaius, ego gaia, usually thought to mean where you [are] Gaius, I [am] Gaia, although gaius and gaia need not be praenomina or nomina*.Usus - After a years cohabitation, the woman came under her husbands manum, unless she stayed away for three nights (trinoctium abesse). Since she wasnt living with her paterfamilias, and since she wasnt under the han d of her husband, she acquired some freedom. Sine manu (not in manum) marriages, wherein a bride stayed within the legal control of her natal family, began in the third century B.C. and became the most popular by the first century A.D. In this popular model, the woman could own property and manage her own affairs if her father died. There was also a marital arrangement for slaves (contuberium) and between freedmen and slaves (concubinatus). Resource: *Ubi tu gaius, ego gaia. New Light on an Old Roman Legal Saw, by Gary Forsythe; Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte Bd. 45, H. 2 (2nd Qtr., 1996), pp. 240-241.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean Overview

The Gulf Stream is a strong, fast moving, warm ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It makes up a portion of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. The majority of the Gulf Stream is classified as a western boundary current. This means that it is a current with behavior determined by the presence of a coastline — in this case, the eastern United States and Canada — and is found on the western edge of an oceanic basin. Western boundary currents are normally very warm, deep, and narrow currents that carry water from the tropics to the poles. The Gulf Stream was first discovered in 1513 by the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon and was then used extensively by Spanish ships as they traveled from the Caribbean to Spain. In 1786, Benjamin Franklin mapped the current, further increasing its usage. Path of the Gulf Stream Because these areas are often very narrow, the current is able to compress and gather strength. As it does so, it begins circulating in the Gulf of Mexico’s warm waters. It is here that the Gulf Stream becomes officially visible on satellite images so it is said that the current originates in this area. Once it gains enough strength after circulating in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Stream then moves east, rejoins the Antilles Current, and exits the area through the Straits of Florida. Here, the Gulf Stream is a powerful underwater river that transports water at a rate of 30 million cubic meters per second (or 30 Sverdrups). It then flows parallel to the east coast of the United States and later flows into the open ocean near Cape Hatteras but continues moving north. While flowing in this deeper ocean water, the Gulf Stream is its most powerful (at about 150 Sverdrups), forms large meanders, and splits into several currents, the largest of which is the North Atlantic Current. The North Atlantic Current then flows further north and feeds the Norwegian Current and moves the relatively warm water along the west coast of Europe. The rest of the Gulf Stream flows into the Canary Current which moves along the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean and back south to the equator. Causes of the Gulf Stream The northern branch of the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, is deeper and is caused by thermohaline circulation resulting from density differences in the water. Impacts of the Gulf Stream The greatest impact the Gulf Stream has on climate is found in Europe. Since it flows into the North Atlantic Current, it too is warmed (though at this latitude the sea surface temperatures are cooled considerably), and it is believed that it helps keep places like Ireland and England much warmer than they would otherwise be at such a high latitude. For example, the average low in London in December is 42Â °F (5Â °C) while in St. John’s, Newfoundland, the average is 27Â °F (-3Â °C). The Gulf Stream and its warm winds are also responsible for keeping northern Norway’s coast free of ice and snow. As well as keeping many places mild, the Gulf Stream’s warm sea surface temperatures also aid in the formation and strengthening of many of the hurricanes that move through the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, the Gulf Stream is important to the distribution of wildlife in the Atlantic. The waters off of Nantucket, Massachusetts, for example, are incredibly biodiverse because the presence of the Gulf Stream makes it the northern limit for southern species varieties and the southern limit for northern species. The Future of the Gulf Stream There has been evidence that the Gulf Stream is weakening and slowing and there is growing concern about what impacts such a change would have on the world’s climate. Some reports suggest that without the Gulf Stream, temperatures in England and northwestern Europe could drop by 4-6Â °C. These are the most dramatic of the predictions for the future of the Gulf Stream but they, as well as today’s climate patterns surrounding the current, show its importance to life in many places around the world.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Crisis Blown over Free Essays

November 30, 1997 goes down in the history of a Bangalore-based electric company as the day nobody wanting it to recur but everyone recollecting it with sense of pride. It was a festive day for all the 700-plus employees. Festoons were strung all over, banners were put up; banana trunks and leaves adorned the factory gate, instead of the usual red flags; and loud speakers were blaring Kannada songs. We will write a custom essay sample on Crisis Blown over or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was day the employees chose to celebrate Kannada Rajyothsava, annual feature of all Karnataka-based organisations. The function was to start at 4 p. m. and everybody was eagerly waiting for the big event to take place. But the event, budgeted at Rs 1,00,000 did not take place. At around 2 p. m. , there was a ghastly accident in the machine shop. Murthy was caught in the vertical turret lathe and was wounded fatally. His end came in the ambulance on the way to hospital. The management sought union help, and the union leaders did respond with a positive attitude. They did not want to fish in troubled waters. Series of meetings were held between the union leaders and the management. The discussions centred around two major issues—(i) restoring normalcy, and (ii) determining the amount of compensation to be paid to the dependants of Murthy. Luckily for the management, the accident took place on a Saturday. The next day was a weekly holiday and this helped the tension to diffuse to a large extent. The funeral of the deceased took place on Sunday without any hitch. The management hoped that things would be normal on Monday morning. But the hope was belied. The workers refused to resume work. Again the management approached the union for help. Union leaders advised the workers to resume work in al departments except in the machine shop, and the suggestions was accepted by all. Two weeks went by, nobody entered the machine shop, though work in other places resumed. Union leaders came with a new idea to the management—to perform a pooja to ward off any evil that had befallen on the lathe. The management accepted the idea and homa was performed in the machine shop for about five hours commencing early in the morning. This helped to some extent. The workers started operations on all other machines in the machine shop except on the fateful lathe. It took two full months and a lot of persuasion from the union leaders for the workers to switch on the lathe. The crisis was blown over, thanks to the responsible role played by the union leaders and their fellow workers. Neither the management nor the workers wish that such an incident should recur. As the wages of the deceased grossed Rs 6,500 per month, Murthy was not covered under the ESI Act. Management had to pay compensation. Age and experience of the victim were taken into account to arrive at Rs 1,87,000 which was the amount to be payable to the wife of the deceased. To this was added Rs 2,50,000 at the intervention of the union leaders. In addition, the widow was paid a gratuity and a monthly pension of Rs 4,300. And nobody’s wages were cut for the days not worked. Murthy’s death witnessed an unusual behavior on the part of the workers and their leaders, and magnanimous gesture from the management. It is a pride moment in the life of the factory. Question: 1. Do you think that the Bangalore-based company had practised participative management? 2. If your answer is yes, with what method of participation (you have read in this chapter) do you relate the above case? 3. If you were the union leader, would your behaviour have been different? If yes, what would it be? How to cite Crisis Blown over, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Domestic Terrorism Essay Research Paper Trent Kenmai free essay sample

Domestic Terrorism Essay, Research Paper Trent Kenmai 5/15/00 DOMESTIC TERRORISM Over the past few old ages a new menace has been encountered by the United States. This menace does non come from off, but from within. It is know as domestic terrorist act. This has been seen over the past decennary in the signifier of force and terrorist act across the United States. This has become a menace to American security and the American people in general. To conflict against this issue, Congress has upheld the Anti-Terrorism Act in 1996. One of the best illustrations on analyzing these Acts of the Apostless of tumult can be viewed, seen and understood by analyzing the instance of the Oklahoma bombardment which occurred in 1996. Major newspaper headlines have besides described the World Trade Center bombardment, the Unabomber? s apprehension, and Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta as other major instances. All this demonstrates how sinister1 terrorist act is in American society. This paper will explicate background informations on anarchy/terrorism, instance surveies including the Oklahoma bombardment, authorities? s reaction toward terrorist act. In add-on terrorist act now and the old ages coming. A figure of terrorist onslaughts in the ninetiess have brought the fright to the populace, giving rise to vulnerability2 between many Americans. Most terrorist incidents in the United States have been bombing onslaughts, affecting detonated and undetonated explosive devices, tear gas and pipe and fire bombs. The effects of terrorist act can do loss of life and hurts to belongings harm and breaks in services such as electricity, H2O supply, public transit and communications. The dictionary defines terrorist act as? n. the policy of utilizing Acts of the Apostless to animating panic as a method of governing or of carry oning political resistance? . though terrorist act can be expressed in two ways. Domestic terrorist act involves groups or persons whose terrorist Acts of the Apostless are directed at state of affairss of our authorities or population without unknown ways. International terrorist act involves groups or persons whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by states or groups outside the United States or whose Acts of the Apostless pass national boundaries. In the United States, most terrorist onslaughts have involved little lawlessness groups who use terrorist act to accomplish a bound aim. Local, State and Federal jurisprudence enforcement functionaries monitor suspected terrorist groups and seek to forestall or protect the US against a suspected onslaught. Besides, the US authorities plants with other states to stop the cause of support for terrorist act. A terrorist onslaught can take certain signifiers, depending on the technological attack available to the terrorist, the sort of the political issue doing the onslaught, and the points of failing of the terrorist # 8217 ; s mark. Bombings are the most often used terrorist method in the United States. Other possibilities include an onslaught at transit installations, an onslaught against utilizations or other public services or an onslaught affecting chemical or biological arms. Terrorist incidents in this state have included bombardments of the World Trade Center in New York City, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC Mobil Oil corporate central office in New York City, the Oklahoma bombardment, and the Continental Olympic Park. Terrorism in America During these past few old ages, there has been a perception3 that the United States is going more vulnerable to terrorist onslaughts. Many instances such as The World Trade Center Bombing, The Olympic bombardment, The Unabomber? s apprehension, , and the Oklahoma bombardment, has given many Americans fear among terrorist act. Below are a few instance surveies that have been researched. World Trade Center Bombing: In February 1993, a bomb exploded in the World Trade Center in New York City. The World Trade Center is the 3rd tallest edifice in the universe, and more than 100,000 people work and visit every twenty-four hours. The bomb exploded in the parking construction underneath the edifice, damaging the base and metro tunnels. Smoke reached the top of the 110-story edifice in proceedingss. Six people were killed ; more than 1,000 were injured. The FBI joined the Joint Terrorist Task Force in the research, which finally brought 22 Islamic extremist to test. The test revealed extended programs to usage terrorist act to bring havoc4 in the United States, including aiming authorities installations. In April 1996, federal agents arrested Theodore Kaczynski and charged him with the offenses committed by the alleged # 8220 ; Unabomber. # 8221 ; The Unabomber, who targeted university scientists and air hose employees among others, had evaded governments for over 18 old ages. Harmonizing to the FBI, the suspect had killed three people and injured 23 others with bundle bombs. Olympic Bombing: During the Summer Olympic Games, in July 1996, a pipe bomb exploded at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, killing two people and wounding more than one hundred others. The FBI said that the pipe bomb looked # 8220 ; homemade # 8221 ; with # 8220 ; nails and prison guards attached. # 8221 ; They suspected domestic terrorists, and members of local reserves groups were questioned without any consequences. Olympic jocks and witnesss became tense and disquieted. Lines to go to Olympic events became even longer than before ; witnesss were submitted to more precise observation as they passed through metal sensors and had their bags inspected. One of the recent and major onslaughts from terrorist act has been the Oklahoma bombardment. Oklahoma City became the site of the most deathly terrorist bombardment in the history of the United States. At 9:02 ante meridiem, on April 19, 1995, a monolithic bo megabit exploded in a truck in forepart of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168, wounding more than 500 people and destructing much of the edifice and damaging surrounding edifices. On April 19, Timothy James McVeigh was arrested in Oklahoma for vehicle and arms misdemeanors. On April 21, 1995, McVeigh was charged with go againsting Title 18, US Code, Section 844 { degree Fahrenheit } and 2, Maliciously Damaging and Destroying a Building by Meanss of Explosives. On May 11, 1995, Terry Lynn Nichols was charged with the same misdemeanor. Timothy McVeigh was charged with 11 counts of conspiracy5 and slaying by the federal authorities. His test took topographic point in April of 1997. On June 2, 1997, McVeigh was convicted on all charges and was sentenced to decease. McVeigh? s spouse Terry L. Nichols was sentenced in 1998 Calling him # 8220 ; an enemy of the Constitution, # 8221 ; a federal justice sentences Terry L. Nichols to life in prison. This was the stoping to a portion in American history that showed the state # 8217 ; s exposure to domestic terrorist act. On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 exploded in the air off the seashore of Long Island, shortly after taking off from New York? s Kennedy International Airport. The detonation killed all 229 riders and crew. People conjecture about whether the clang resulted from proficient failure or a bomb. In response, President Clinton assigned Vice President Al Gore to head a new Commission on Aviation Safety and Security. The President besides announced that the federal authorities would take on the primary duty and cost for airport security. Airline security has received renewed attending since the clang, even though no grounds has been found that the detonation was a consequence of a bomb. More rigorous security steps are now in topographic point. Government? s reaction toward Terrorism In 1996 President Bill Clinton signed Antiterrorism Act to beef up the power of the federal authorities to foresee6 and react to both international and domestic terrorist act. The act makes terrorist act a federal offense punishable by decease, every bit good as AIDSs in the probe, gaining control, and test of terrorists in the United States, and includes footings that allow US exile proceedments without being bound by Terrorists to demo classified information. Disallows fund-raising in the US that supports terrorist organisations, and bars terrorists from come ining the US The jurisprudence besides allows for the exile of foreign terrorists without the demand to unwrap classified grounds against them, and it authorizes overdoing of up to $ 1 billion on province and local antiterrorism attempts. Both the American Autonomies Union and the National Rifle Association opposed parts of the statute law that they claimed would supply the federal authorities with excessively much power. An earlier proviso in the Anti-Terrorism Act that would hold given the federal authorities power to intercept suspected terrorist groups? phones without a warrant was removed from the concluding measure, following expostulations from both Democrats and Republicans. The Act would hold allowed the information obtained in this manner to be used in tribunal. Rep. Bob Barr ( R-Ga. ) said: # 8220 ; We do non necessitate to give our authorities vast new powers. # 8221 ; Members of civil autonomies groups agreed, stating that this proviso would hold violated people? s right to privateness. Other lawgivers argued that calamities such as the Oklahoma City bombing make it indispensable that the federal authorities be allowed to supervise reserves groups more closely. Terrorism Today and Years Ahead Since the universe has become so really technically progress it will be more hard to happen concealed or secret explosives, and these technological progresss have made chemical, biological and even atomic arms much more widely available, and have thereby occupy the ability to bring down mass devastation. As lawgivers debate what steps to take to prevent hereafter onslaughts, many Americans ponder what sacrifices they are willing to do to counter the terrorist menace. Are air travellers willing to wait in longer lines at the airdrome so that sensitive equipment can inspect their bags for explosives? Are they willing to pay more for airplane tickets to finance new sensing equipment? Are Americans willing to submit to increased security steps at the disbursal of their freedom of motion as good as privateness? In decision lawgivers have tried to react to the fright that America is going more vulnerable to terrorist onslaughts. But, many experts believe that the American populace and lawgivers need to believe about whether they are reacting to fear or to facts. For these experts, the response to the detonation of TWA Flight 800 is an illustration of overreaction. Research workers have non determined what caused the detonation, and yet, this detonation has prompted a resurgence of the Anti-Terrorism Act and President Clinton has requested the expansion7 of the federal authorities? s wiretapping rights one time once more. Should Americans give up a step of freedom for the increased safety it will likely provide? 539 Greenberg, Keith. Terrorism the New Menace. Brookfield CT, 1994 Gaines, Ann. Terrorism. Philadelphia PA, 1999 Close Up Foundation on Terrorism hypertext transfer protocol: // Alexandria VA, 1997 FEMA backrounder- terrorist act hypertext transfer protocol: // 1998 Lexicon publications, inc. Webster? Dictionary and Tesaurus. Danbury CT,1993 Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. ? 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved