Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Wetland Resource in Bangladesh Essays

Wetland Resource in Bangladesh Essays Wetland Resource in Bangladesh Essay Wetland Resource in Bangladesh Essay Wetland Resources in Bangladesh Saroar M. Mustafa Concept, Types and Status of Wetlands in Bangladesh: The Ramsar Convention (1971) has defined wetlands as areas of marsh, fen, peat-land, or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. The Ramsar definition of wetlands lumps together a wide range of contrasting habitats like fluvial, coastal and marine. Nevertheless, the Ramsar definition has been adopted and being used in Bangladesh. Wetlands of Bangladesh are classified on the basis of their hydrological and ecological functions and land types. Broadly wetland in Bangladesh is divided into estuarine and freshwater systems, which again further subdivided by soil type and plant life. Thus wetlands include areas of marsh, fen, bog, flood plain, and shallow coastal areas. Wetland area is characterized by sluggish or standing water that can create an open water habitat for wildlife. As I mentioned earlier wetlands in Bangladesh are represented by both inland freshwater and estuarine/tidal salt-water wetlands. Flood plains, beels (low-lying depressions in the flood plain), haors and baors (oxbow lakes) represent the inland freshwater wetlands (Khan et al. 1994). The haors are bowl-shaped natural depressions between the natural levees of the river subject to monsoonal flooding every year. While the haor itself is a seasonal water body formed during the monsoon, the beels are low-lying depressions of the haor system retaining water even during the dry months of the season. Thus, the haor system is a complex of both lacustrine and palustrine wetlands depending on the hydraulic behavior in different seasons. The ecology of the haor system is principally driven by seasonal hydraulics. During the monsoon, the entire haor system becomes a single body of open water linked to the river system. When floodwater recedes, the beels become isolated and remain as standing water bodies till the next rainy season. They differ from a true lake system in that the main source of waters in tropical lakes is rainwater, while a haor system depends on both precipitation and floodwater as sources of water. Estuarine/tidal salt-water wetlands constitute about 25 per cent of the land area and are represented by mangroves, salt marsh, lagoons, deltaic islands, sand dunes and beaches, barrier islands, sea grass and coral habitats. In the following table major types of wetlands of Bangladesh are presented. 1. Saltwater wetlandsa) Marine permanent shallow waters at low tide, eg bay coral reefs, eg St Martins reef b) Estuarine intertidal mud, sand or salt flats with limited vegetation, eg newly-accreted land intertidal marshes intertidal forest wetlands including mangroves, eg Sundarbans c) Lagoonal brackish to saline lagoons with narrow connection with sea 2. Freshwater wetlandsa) Riverine wetlands permanent rivers and streams including some char land, temporary seasonal rivers and streams b) Lacustrine wetlands There are thousands of lakes of varying sizes in Bangladesh, the greatest concentrations being in the main delta region covering the districts of Rajshahi, Pabna, Khulna, Jessore, Faridpur, Comilla and Noakhali. c) Palustrine wetlands permanent freshwater marshes and swamps with emergent vegetation, permanent peat-forming freshwater swamps, freshwater swamp forest, eg hijal forests of lowland 3. Man-made wetlands aquaculture ponds (brackish and freshwater) irrigated land and irrigation channels salt pans hydro-dam, eg Kaptai Lake However, the areal extent of wetlands in the above classification is not available. A different classification is show to give idea about the wetland in Bangladesh which is rather indicative than exact as primarily because size of each wetland varies depending on season; Monsoon, for example when area under wetland increase by contrast during wet season it shrink. Types of wetlands and their areas (in sq km) Open waters Rivers7,497 Estuaries and mangrove swamps 6,102 Beels and haors 1,142 Inundable floodplains54,866 Kaptai Lake688 Closed water/Ponds 1,469 Baors (Oxbow Lakes) 55 Brackish-water farms1,080 Total72,899 Source Khan 1994 Significance of Wetlands in Context of Bangladesh: Wetlands are critically important in Bangladesh for human settlements, biodiversity, fisheries, agricultural diversity, navigation communication, and ecotourism. These are discussed in some details in the following sections. In a land scare country like Bangladesh where average population density is almost 1000 person per sq. m people in the marginalized category build their habitat/settlement in the wetland in the event of acute shortage of buildable high land. Flood plain areas are the treasure-house for rice- the staple food of Bangladeshi people. More than 100 varieties, some of which are even deep water tolerant, local rice are cultivated in these floodplains. Thus floodplain is the power house of rural economy in Bangladesh. S imilarly in the wetlands of Bangladesh more than 250 species of freshwater fishes are available. Freshwater capture fishery is an important source of employment in the fishery sector and the key supply source of animal protein especially for the rural people. About 200 million people still directly or indirectly depend on freshwater fishing for their livelihood (Tsai, and Ali, 1997). A part from that, wetlands are valuable sources of food (vegetable), fuel, fodder and traditional medicine in rural Bangladesh. For a vast tract of areas especially in the north-east, south and south-central part of Bangladesh both perennial and seasonal floodplains are they key means of transport and communication for the rural people. In the context of biodiversity (which includes: plant diversity, faunal diversity and habitat diversity) wetlands in Bangladesh perform significant role. These are important habitats for a large variety of flora and fauna of local, national and regional significance. In the freshwater wetlands the floral composition includes trees, shrubs and aquatic vegetation. More than 5,000 species of flowering plants exist in these wetland areas (Khan, 1998). Here wetlands support 660 species of birds which represents about 50% of the total number of bird species recorded from the entire Indian sub-continent, and over 7% of the known bird species in the world (Harvey 1992). On the other hand, rich aquatic biodiversity also includes 260 species of freshwater fish belonging to 55 families (placing Bangladesh third in the world in terms of fish species per land area) (Tsai and Ali, (Eds). 1997). At any rate, the known levels of endemism in the Ganges/Brahmaputra basin are very high: 25% of the aquatic species found in this basin are found nowhere else in the world. Because of its geographical position at the receiving end of the three major rivers, and given the dispersal behavior of aquatic biodiversity, the wetlands of Bangladesh become crucial for conserving the globally important biodiversity of the entire basin (Hussain, 1997). Likewise, the estuarine/ marine resources of the Bay of Bengal are part of the world’s largest malacological province. These resources include clams, oysters, scallops, snails, slugs, chiton, squids, octopuses and some others. The ichthyo-fauna of the Bay of Bengal includes about 475 recorded species of fish, 53 of which are cartilaginous and 422 species are bony fish (IUCN, 1989). Chowdhury and Sanaullah (1991) described 19 species of shrimps and prawns found in the marine waters of Bangladesh. At least seven species of edible oyster can be found in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. Apart from those wetlands perform significant ecological and environmental services and functions which could not be replaced by artificial means or adopting artificial method would entail significant cost. Among other the role of purification of water in the marsh is an important one. From the foregoing discussion it is evident that have a wide range of ecological, socio-cultural, economic and commercial importance and values in Bangladesh. Causes and Consequence of Wetland Degradation: Various development interventions/activities undertaken without much consideration of wetland ecosystems in the post independent period of Bangladesh have caused irreversible damage to the wetlands. For example, massive physical infrastructures in the form of rural road and flood embankment have been developed in the wetlands including floodplains and haor areas. Many of these infrastructures disregarded local topographic condition and natural water flow direction, which has often resulted in poor drainage or water logging and impacted on the local surface water regime. The critical point of such development activities in the wetlands led the transformation very rapidly at a massive scale. In the Ganges-Brahmaputra floodplain area, about 2. 1 million ha of wetland have been lost to Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation development projects (FCDI). Introduction of HYV of rice which requires high inputs like mechanical tillage, chemical fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, fungicide in fact caused irrecoverable damage of wetland habitat for freshwater fish and birds at the expense of higher food yield. In this indiscriminate use of agro-chemical and over exploitation of fish stock, especially brood fish by fisher community for their livelihood put the freshwater fish stock at the verge of extinction. A part from the above other human interference in the wetlands has been damaging the fragile ecosystem and to long term sustainability of the wetlands. For instance, in the southwest brackish water coastal plains of Bangladesh farmers used to have a paddy crop only during monsoon season when surface saline layer is depleted due to rainfall and for rest of the months the field is left for grazing. This cultural practice was established for centuries. However, in the last two decades this has been abandoned for more profitable shrimp farming practice. As a result, local ecosystems are threatened because of changed water exchange system, rapid siltation of the channels and continuous inundation of land with saline water. In the haor areas, large-scale settlement was initiated over the last couple of decades from surrounding densely populated regions and since then the resources of the haor basins are being exploited at an increasing rate causing adverse effects. Continuous large-scale exploitation of aquatic vegetation and fruits has caused serious degradation of the quantity and quality of the habitat required for fish and migratory birds of the haor areas. Similarly, embankment constructed for FCDI projects reduce floodplains and obstruct fish movement and migration from rivers as well as beels to the remaining floodplains for feeding and breeding. As a result, many fishermen have lost their livelihood. However, there have been some positive effects of wetland transformation as well. The major impact has been on cropping patterns and intensity. Dependence on local boro has been shifted towards HYV boro. In the FCDI project areas, culture fisheries have replaced the deficit of capture fisheries. The positive impact of development projects in the wetlands relates to improved road transport and communication network. This has led to an enhanced marketing infrastructure and relatively easy access to social and other services. Conversely, the navigation system has been either closed or substantially reduced. As a whole, degradation of wetlands has caused several problems including extinction and reduction of wildlife, extinction of many indigenous wild and domesticated rice varieties, loss of many indigenous aquatic plants, herbs, shrubs and weeds, loss of natural soil nutrients, loss of natural water reservoirs and of their resultant benefits, increase in the occurrence of flooding and degeneration of wetland based ecosystems, occupations, socio-economic institutions and cultures. Plan and Activities to Conserve Wetland: Overt the yeast Bangladesh Ministry of Water resources development, Land, Forest and Environment, and Fisheries and livestock in cooperation with various multilateral agencies ( like Worldbank, ADB), bilateral agencies (like USAID, DANIDA, JICA), intergovernmental agencies, and NGO (both international and national) initiated various institutional reform, plan and program to conserve and manage water resources in an efficient ways. Even though in most cases the focus of those programs were not on conservation of wetland however recently recognizing both the importance of conserving biological resources and the need for new approaches to floodplain, wetlands, and forest conservation and management, USAID/Bangladesh, in conjunction with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), is implementing the Management of Aquatic Ecosystems through Community Husbandry (MACH) project to help promote the conservation and sustainable management of critical floodplain and wetland habitats (USAID, 2002). Likewise, DFID in cooperation with the Ministry of Land, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), is implementing Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM). Apart from these IUCN [at present World Conservation Union] is implementing Wetland and Coastal Biodiversity project which has exclusive focus on haor, and estuarine/marine wetland ecosystem conservation. A part from the above there are relevant laws and acts and ordinance focusing on the conservation of environmentally critical areas, especially on wetlands. For example, Environmental Protection Act 1995, Environmental Conservation Rule 1997, Environmental Conservation Rule 2002 (amended) among other is aimed to protect water reservoir, wetland of ecological significance (Syed, 1998); however their implementation is fur from optimal. Concluding Remarks: Conservation of wetland is very important from various stands points. But the way in most cases conservation initiatives were taken in the past could be at best termed at command and control/top down approach. Which not only failed to get the support from the relevant, especially primary stockholders but also created resentment among them. It was primarily because, in the name of conservation without making alternative provision for their livelihood they conservator basically evicted the people dependent on the wetlands. As a result we saw huge/mass protest against the conservation of few flood plain beels and haors which were really reach in critical state due to over exploitation for fishing and indiscriminate use of chemical inputs for agriculture. Finally it could be said that wetland conservation efforts must be bundled with development scheme which will not only conserve wetlands but also will not undermine the alternative avenues of livelihood for people dependent on wetland in one way or another. References: Syed, A. Sattar . 1998. Introduction to Environmental Laws of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Ace Data Products. BGD/97/017 – Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Livelihood Security, October 1998 (Draft UNDP project document) Chowdhury, S. Q. ,Haq, F. A. T. M. and Hassan , K. 1992. Coastal geomorphology of St. martins Island. Oriental Geographer 36(2): 30-44. Fattah, 1979. Protection of marine environment and related ecosystem of St. Martins Island. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Protection of marine Environment and Related Ecosystems, Dhaka,27-29 November,1979,pp 104-108. Flood Action Plan. Northeast Regional Water Management Project (FAP 6). â€Å"Wetland Resources specialist study (final draft), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), April 1993. Harvey, W. G. 1992. Birds in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Limited. Hussain, M. G. 1997. â€Å"Stock Improvement and Genetic Resource Conservation of Floodplain Fishes. † In Tsai, Chu-fa and M. Youssouf Ali, Eds. Openwater Fisheries of Bangladesh. Dhaka: The University Press Limited. IUCN (The World Conservation Union). 1989. A Directory of Asian Wetlands. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Khan, Salar M. , et. al. , Eds. 1994. Wetlands of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies Nature Conservation Movement. Khan, S. 1998. Genetic Resources. In Bangladesh Environment: Facing the 21st Century. Ed. Philip Gain. Society for Environment and Human Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tsai, Chu-fa and M. Youssouf Ali, Eds. 1997. Openwater Fisheries of Bangladesh. Dhaka: The University Press Limited.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What do Women Writers Want from an Editor

What do Women Writers Want from an Editor What do Women Writers Want from an Editor? Laurie Garrison, Ph.D.  is the director of Women Writers School, a blog and course provider that works mainly with female authors. She has recently self-published a manifesto for her business, Women Writers in the Twenty-First Century. Previously, she was a university lecturer, an internationally renown critic of Victorian literature and the author of the book,  Science, Sexuality and Sensation Novels: Pleasures of the Senses.The online world is bursting with free advice for writers. Everywhere I look I see articles geared toward helping the writer shape her emails, pitches, proposals, synopses and, above all, her manuscripts into something an agent, editor or publisher wants to see. When the time comes to approach our target reader (whether they're an agent, editor or publisher), we must tread very carefully indeed. We must make no approach until we have completed the necessary research on titles, authors, style and interests (not our own but those of our target reader).When we make that first contact, we must be concise and get straight to the point. Our reader has very little time to spare. We must list our achievements with confidence but not boast too much, lest we irritate our reader before the attachment is even opened. We must choose the perfect comparison titles, but only those that strongly resonate with our intended reader, and we must get this right or a door will slam in our faces. We must be keen but not so keen that we ever chase for a response because, unless successful, a response is just too much to expect.Publishing Advice and Women’s Experience: Is Change Afoot?This detail-oriented, anxiety-ridden, almost desperate determination to shape oneself into whatever it is the recipient on the other end of the email journey wants is familiar to a lot of women, not just in publishing but in other competitive professional situations as well. The question of whether a woman should mold herself to fit the world around her (what I’d cal l the 'Lean In' approach) or whether it is the outside world that needs to change (what I’d call the 'Lean Out' approach) is a subject of much debate in modern feminism. Clearly, the majority of us in publishing are taking the 'Lean In' approach, not least because sometimes we just want to get published and will have to reform the world at another time.However, we are operating at a time where things are changing quickly. I wonder if a changed world, where agents, editors, and publishers cater more to the needs of writers, might not be so far away after all. In recent years, the rise of ebooks, the social web, and self-publishing have turned traditional publishing on its head. Dedicated independent authors can now sell as many books as authors from the Big Five. In the new status quo, it matters much, much more what the audience thinks than what the agent, editor or publisher thinks. "In the new status quo, what readers think matters MUCH more than what agents or publishers do" Add to this that women are experiencing a disproportionate amount of success in self-publishing, and I would very much like to ask, will there be a time where agents, publishers, and editors must cater not just to writers, but to women writers? What would the profession look like if it was shaped to suit the needs of female writers rather than the schedules and budgets of the publishing industry? For the sake of discussion, I propose that it would look very different from the world currently represented on publishing advice websites. That is where a writer is encouraged to mold every detail of herself and her work to fit what a hypothetical agent, editor or publisher is looking for -   whether the idea of that agent, editor or publisher is realistic or not. "What would publishing look like if it was shaped to suit the needs of female writers?" A New Kind of Writer-Editor RelationshipI’m going to propose a more equal relationship between writer and editor. It's a kind of relationship that represents what I think a woman wants from an editor. I can’t speak for all women, but I do speak from experience. I’m basing my description on many years of teaching mainly female students, supervising the work of postgraduate students (again, mostly female), working as an editor, teaming up with colleagues to act as co-editors and working with commissioning editors, peer reviewers and journal editors on my personal list of publications. I’m using ‘editor’ as a catch-all to mean anyone who takes part in a developmental editing process, so I think some or all of this could apply to agents, editors, and publishers.I believe there are three qualities to writer-editor relationships that work best for women. There needs to be a sense of shared responsibility for the quality of the work (as opposed to a top-down or competitive atmosphere), lots of personal interaction in the form of frequent communication, and the development of a long-term relationship where trust and familiarity can develop. Here’s what I think this would look like in practice.1. The process of editing and revising a manuscript would be a  team effortIn my best editing relationships, the editor reads the writer’s work with the intention of making the manuscript better, not with prescriptive solutions but with questions and pointers where the writing has become loose. After all, it should be the writer’s responsibility to come up with the solution. This type of back and forth between editor and writer is especially crucial when complex ideas are involved: spelling them out enough to engage the reader engages while avoiding the pitfall of being too pedantic. In my experience, this kind of collaboration works best through conversations, not email or comments on manuscripts. If there are multip le ways of improving particular portions of a text, a conversation is often the most successful means of working this out. "Editing often works best through conversations, not emails or comments on manuscripts." 2. The editor would be able to judge the right time to empower the writer to take charge of editorial decision-makingEvery manuscript is different, and every subject is different. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for any editing challenge. If the editor is acting as an expert on structure and style, then the writer should be the expert on content and whether or not proposed changes work with the content. I have done developmental editing on manuscripts about subjects as disparate as eighteenth-century phrenology and the US-UK special relationship in James Bond novels. My role as editor in these situations has been to think creatively about how that unique subject would be best presented to an audience, bearing in mind that the final say has to go to the author as the person who knows more about the subject than anyone else.Very often, editorial decisions will depend on subject matter expertise. At these times, pointing out where there are decisions to be made is a better course of action than trying to work out a solution.3. There would be a balance of positive and negative criticismThe process of editing focuses so much on negative criticism (with the best of intentions) that it is easy to forget that a writer also needs to know what works well in a manuscript and which are the stand-out points that should be kept at all costs. There have been times when I have got the distinct feeling that my editor was desperately searching for corrections to make. I mean, for example, lots of unnecessary fiddling with word choice when the edit was supposed to be a big picture view of the manuscript. Sometimes a manuscript doesn’t need much work, but an editor wants to feel like they’re doing their job. Not just in these situations, but in any editing task, we should seek to fill up at least some of the space with positive criticism because it can be equally helpful for honing technique and developing confidence. "The editing process often focuses too much on negative criticism" #amediting w. @lauriebg_ 4. There would be regular, enjoyable communication between editor and writerI have had a number of editing relationships where I really looked forward to the conversations I would have with my editor or with the writer. But I have had an equal amount where there was no possibility of having any conversation at all and I had to make my best guess at exactly what the editor was asking me to do when the comments were unclear. I just don’t think an editor-writer relationship can be completely successful if there is no possibility for conversations between the editor and writer, at the very least to get clarification on some of the comments. When communication has been at its best in my relationships of this type, discussing the manuscript is more of a brainstorming activity than an exercise of passing information back and forth.5. Both editor and writer would improve their own writing as a result of the writer-editor relationshipIn my best writer-editor relationships, the process of working so closely with another writer results in a transformation in my own writing in future manuscripts as well as the one at hand, regardless of which role I’m taking. This is what happens when you spend a large amount of time working on someone else’s writing, which can be a bit of an exercise in being in another person’s head. If you find someone you can work with on this level, hang on to that relationship, but also keep looking for others. Multiple relationships like this can open up all sorts of possibilities for experimenting with new styles and approaches. There are so many different ways a writer’s work can transform over the years of a career, and I think editing relationships have everything to do with this.This is what I think women want from an editor. I would love for this piece to start some discussion. Is this the way you imagine an ideal writer-editor relationship working, either for men or women? Or is there another way that works best for you? Leave me a comment in the box below, and I'll do my best to answer.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of Black Criminal Stereotypes And Racial Profiling Article Research Paper

Analysis of Black Criminal Stereotypes And Racial Profiling Article Authored by Welch - Research Paper Example Welch seeks to address the diverse factors contributing to the criminal stereotyping of Blacks since this perception has, unfortunately, availed a rationale for the sorts for racial profiling employed by law enforcement agencies, as well as other criminal justice institutions (Welch, 2007). Welch uses prior research to explore the theoretical elements employed in the development of Black criminal characterization. The author highlights studies on theoretical elements employed in the development of Black criminal characterization. The prior research assumes a weak correspondence between the broadly embraced stereotypes and criminality (Quillian & Pager, 2001). Questions remain on the guarantee of the accuracy of data collection procedures, and as the information backing the observation may be erroneous. The article on racial profiling can be criticized based on its methods and conclusions. The author does not take into account the conceptual framework employed in the development of Black criminal characterization (Unnever & Gabbidon, 2011). This derives from the fact that different theories may explain racial disparities and problems arise when interpreting findings on racial profiling since the mere presence of disparity within the aggregate statistics does not, itself demonstrate racial bias in the same way that racial disparities within prison populations demonstrate racial bias by sentencing judges (Russell, 2013).   Welch cites empirical studies on Black and crime to demonstrate that Blacks remain mostly depicted in a negative light such as criminally threatening (Welch, 2007). This implies that can be understood as a crime-specific mode of racial prejudice and discrimination.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comparing and contrasting Booker T. Washington's 'Up from Slavery' Essay

Comparing and contrasting Booker T. Washington's 'Up from Slavery' story and W.E.B. Du Bois 'The Souls of Black Folk' story - Essay Example Both men wrote extensively, and often from very different viewpoints, regarding the position of the black man in the post-Civil War American society, having a profound impact upon how these individuals were perceived by the greater American public and playing large roles in both establishing educational facilities for black children and in organizing advocacy groups for the black people. As can be seen in his autobiography, Up From Slavery, Washington felt that the best way to help the black man was to train him in ‘industrial’ type jobs while Du Bois, as can be seen in â€Å"Of the Training of Black Men† in The Souls of Black Folk, felt that the black man could best benefit from the same type of classical education deemed important for white men. Writing his autobiography in 1901, Washington details his rise from the ranks of slavery to the position of a degreed professor even as he highlights the various reasons why he feels an industrial education is the correct course of action for the majority of black men and women. Writing in an easy, flowing style, Washington works to present himself as clearly as possible, making it easy to understand the major events of his life as well as to see where the founding principles of his ideas came from. The concept of including technical education in with ‘book learning’ as he founded Tuskegee was one borrowed from Washington’s early educational experiences at the Hampton school, where students were encouraged to increase their academic knowledge while retaining a connection to their rural heritage. It was believed that by doing so, the students would be encouraged to re-invest their education into the communities from which they came, thereby helping to elevate the situation of the entire race. â€Å"We wanted to give them such a practical knowledge of some one industry, together

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learning Styles Essay Example for Free

Learning Styles Essay A learning style is basically the preference or predisposition of an individual to perceive and process information in a particular way or combination of ways. (Lynne Celli Sarasin, 2006) There are eight intelligences and an individual has one or more strengths in one of those intelligences. As we have learned from the readings, there are multiple ways to understand how an individual learns. There are three primary senses that are involved in learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Howard Gardner, for example, suggested that some students learn through their bodies (kinesthetic), others through music and rhythms (auditory), and many others through hand-outs and presentations (visual). Students have been learning in many different ways since ancient times. Teachers of Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Christianity all evaluated their students’ personalities, with an eye as to how to best teach them. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) I have examined multiple websites on how Hinduism considers opinions of personality. For example, Hindu thought suggests that the wise person judges others with detachment and peace; as apposed to over-involvement, annoyance, or condescension. (John D. Mayer Ph. D. ) In Hinduism, the role of the yogi, or teacher, are to assist those, who sought enlightenment to learn about their essential atman (real inner self). (John D Mayer, Ph. D. ) Accomplished Hindu teachers distinguish among different types of students so as to provide each student with practices that will best guide him or her on the path to enlightenment. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) As I further read into the article posted by John D. Mayer, he wrote about how there are three different types of students. Their way of learning is completely different from the way we learn here and what we learn about. I could use my primary sensory preference to increase my awareness and practice in Hinduism by watching videos and hearing lectures about their way of learning. (Due to the fact that I am a auditory and kinesthetic learner) Once I watch videos about their way of learning I would become more informed about their way of everyday life and their learning styles.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis of the Jurors in 12 Angry Men :: Twelve Angry Men, Reginald Rose

Guilty or not guilty? This the key question during the murder trial of a young man accused of fatally stabbing his father. The play 12 Angry Men, by Reginald Rose, introduces to the audience twelve members of a jury made up of contrasting men from various backgrounds. One of the most critical elements of the play is how the personalities and experiences of these men influence their initial majority vote of guilty. Three of the most influential members include juror #3, juror #10, and juror #11. Their past experiences and personal bias determine their thoughts and opinions on the case. Therefore, how a person feels inside is reflected in his/her thoughts, opinions, and behavior. Juror #3 is very biased against the 19-year-old boy that is being tried, and this affects all of his thoughts and actions regarding the case. He has this bias because his own son hit him in the jaw and ran away from home at the age of 15: â€Å"I’ve got a kid†¦when he was fifteen he hit me in the face†¦I haven’t seen him in three years. Rotten kid! I hate tough kids! You work your heart out [but it’s no use] (21).†According to this quote from the text, this juror condemns all teenagers and feels resentment towards them. He especially feels strongly about the boy being tried, because the boy grew up in the slums, and this juror is also biased against these people who grew up there. It is because of these feelings that he is strongly cemented in his vote of guilty. Juror #10, a garage owner, segregates and divides the world stereotypically into ‘us’ and ‘them.’ ‘Us’ being people living around the rich or middle-class areas, and ‘them’ being people of a different race, or possessing a contrasting skin color, born and raised in the slums (poorer parts of town). It is because of this that he has a bias against the young man on trial, for the young man was born in the slums and was victim to domestic violence since the age of 5. Also, the boy is of a Hispanic descent and is of a different race than this juror, making him fall under the juror’s discriminatory description of a criminal. This is proven on when juror #10 rants: â€Å"They don’t need any real big reason to kill someone, either. You know, they get drunk, and bang, someone’s lying in the gutter†¦ most of them, it’s like they have no feelings (59).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rivalry in the Oil and Gas Field Service Industry

Rivalry being present in any industry is obvious. Some industries have more than others and for different reasons. With over 12,000 different companies in the Oil and Gas Field Services industry competition is high and is projected to only continue to increase. This is due to the demand of oil and gas in the United States and the world. It is also because international firms are beginning to come in the United States to compete with US firms for business. In comparison, US firms operating internationally generally make a significant amount more revenue from the business activity that goes on worldwide.Price competition is often the primary factor in determining which contractor is awarded a contract, although quality of service, operational and safety performance, equipment suitability and availability, reputation, and technical expertise are also factors. † (IBIS WORLD) Most of the contracts for service are awarded through competitive bidding. In order to compete for profits i t is imperative that companies in this industry look to create a competitive advantage and proper business strategy. â€Å"Large companies can offer a broad range of services. Small firms can compete effectively by specializing in a particular type of service or geographic area. † (First Research) The Oil and Gas Field Service industries concentration is low. Even though their biggest companies do possess what seems to be considerable percentages of the market share they do not create a monopoly situation. The majority of the industry is small companies. â€Å"About 78. 7% of the industry firms employ fewer than 20 people, and 95. 6% of firms employ fewer than 100 people. † The overall level of strength for intensity of competitive rivalry in the Oil and Gas field services industry is high. The fact that it is hard to exit the industry creates higher rivalry. â€Å"Due to the fact that oil and gas operations are highly energy and labor intensive, fixed costs are high and market is hard to exit as leaving would require significant divestments of assets specific to the business. † (Marketline) Many of these assets like equipment and machinery depreciate causing the company to lose money. Also, fixed costs being high makes companies maintain their volume which escalates competition. The fact that the industry is growing and projected to continue this way the more companies will enter the market making it more competitive. However, with increasing growth it also gives the companies already in existence a chance to improve income. â€Å"The Mining Support industry has a low level of concentration, with the four largest firms accounting rougly 15. 7% of industry revenue. † (Ibisworld) With the concentration being low the industry has many companies that compete. In the Oil and Gas industry it is easy to swap products which creates low switching costs. When it comes to oil and gas many people choose whichever product or service is cheaper at that time so having repeat customers can be challenging. The overall products one company offers are not much different from others. The fact that this industry has low product differences creates higher competition. Higher competition is because there are not really any alternatives companies can use to attract customers. The lack of diversity also goes along with this idea. Some companies have technologic diversity over companies like Halliburton who uses Shale or have vertically integrated into other areas, but for the most part they are all acquiring oil and gas the same way. Main players activities are usually geographically and vertically integrated however most of them present similar business models. † (Marketline) The oil and gas field service does have intermitten overcapacity creating more rivalry than normal at times. In this industry the demand fluctuates due to the market. At small periods of time companies supply will exceed demand. These firms will then compete more aggressively trying to get rid of the excess supply.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Countering Global Terrorism

Terrorism is defined by the U. S. Department of Defense as the calculated or predetermined use of violence or threat of violence with the intention of inflicting fear so as to intimidate governments or societies in pursuit of goals that are mainly social, religious or political. It is a critical issue that needs to be addressed effectively as its consequences are many and harmful. Terrorism is mostly triggered by radical ideologies of hatred, oppression and revenge. Fighting global terrorism is not just about disarmament but it is a war on conflicting ideas or views.The US has been very keen in protecting her citizens especially after the 911 attacks that shook the whole world. It encourages or rather promotes freedom and human dignity as an effort of reducing the chances of people indulging in perverse ideologies. The root causes of terrorism are varied and they depend on one’s stand whereby the causes cited by the victims of terror for instance the US are different from thos e cited by the perpetrators. The US is categorical that its enemies exploit Islam to air their oppressive and hate ideologies.(National strategy for combating terrorism). Terrorists on the other hand argue that the US and other western powers are the major causes of the problems facing the Muslim world as a whole. In indulging in terror activities they aim at eradicating the western dominance and to ensure that Islam remains intact. The US however views this school of thought as a means of paving way for additional attacks not only to the US but to its supporters or allies too. They argue that their main aim is to exploit the major disparities between the Muslim and the non Muslim and take full control.The declaration of Jihads or holy wars to those with divergent ideologies is a clear indication of how Islam is exploited to spread radical ideologies. (Chase A, 2004). The root causes can be categorized as economical, social, demographic, political as well as cultural. Poverty is cit ed by some as a cause of terrorism but it is surrounded by divergent views. It can be opposed by the fact that most terrorists involved in the 911 attacks were from the middle class and in fact Osama bin Laden the leader was from an affluent upbringing. The war in Iraq was also viewed as a cause for terrorism.This ideology can be dismissed by the fact that way before the US had deposed the Saddam Hussein’s regime terrorist plans to attack were being carried out. (National strategy for combating terrorism). Citing the war on Iraq according to the US is therefore a way of justifying terrorism rather than a cause of terrorism. Terrorism is also not due to the Israeli- Palestine issues as plans for the 911 attack started in the 1990s when peace talks were being carried out. Political alienation according to the US is a key factor promoting terrorism.In most cases the leaders of terror gangs recruit members from the states where there is minimal freedom of speech. Democracy is und ermined and it becomes difficult to bring about change. (National strategy for combating terrorism). Such people are easy targets as they are very vulnerable to manipulation by those with violent and destructive ideologies. Terrorists are able to convince such people that the causes of all their problems are due to the western dominance. Past grievances and perceived injustices are made fresh in their minds making them internalize revenge motives.The use of propaganda, miscommunication and conspiracy theories keep the terrorism spirit alive in such people’s hearts. Bjorgo in the Root Causes of Terrorism explains how terrorism is a by product of a long process of radicalization in the process or preparation for extreme acts. It takes time before terrorists can actually act. Although there are great economic and social injustices in most Arab countries with a reputation of producing terrorists, this factor has never been cited as a cause for the attacks. It therefore suffices t o say that the social and economic injustices in the Arab world do not trigger terrorism.Illiteracy can also be cited as a cause of terrorism but it has been established that despite the rise in the literacy levels in the Arab world terrorism has increased. (Bjorgo T, 2005). This could be attributed to the fact that as people become more educated they can better understand the political, social and economic ills surrounding them and can therefore react accordingly. The notion that democracy would ensure the effective elimination or abolition of terrorism is not only an understatement but a great misconception. This is attributed to the fact that not all democracies are equally inclusive or respect the rights of the minorities.(Club De Madrid, 2005). In cases where the minorities feel that they are excluded from the main stream they can join hands to express their grievances which can be through radical means. Liberal democracies ensure that there is freedom of speech as well as tole rance of dissent which can be exploited for terrorist activities. Separatism, left wing and right wing extremism as well as religions are factors that can trigger terrorism in democratic countries. Terrorism within a democracy is affected by the level or degree of social, ethnic and political heterogeneity of the state in question.The more a society is divided the higher or greater the risk of terrorism. Transitional or new democracies are also at a greater risk of experiencing terrorism due to the fact that their authorities may not have gained popularity to be strong enough. In areas where a legacy of oppression is still fresh in people’s minds the chances of registering terror attacks are high. Countries like Chile, Argentina, Spain, and Algeria are good examples of how terrorism affects the effective transition into democracies. (Club De Madrid, 2005). Weak states are more susceptible to terrorism as they can easily become hosts for radical conspiracies.States with prolon ged civil conflicts and instability precipitate high numbers of refugees who seek shelter in other states and terrorists can use this to find shelter. Club De Madrid in the International Summit on democracy, terrorism and security, Addressing the causes of terrorism explain how democratic states practicing stable democracies have minimal chances of terrorism from within but they risk terror attacks from without. Their actions abroad are monitored by many and they may trigger opposition which can be magnified through terror attacks.Actions that are viewed by other states as lacking International legitimacy can be considered as unjust and the radicals may view violent means as an appropriate tool to respond. (Club De Madrid, 2005). The US seems to have lost direction in preventing future attacks especially from the Arab or Muslim world. The use of war as an effort of curbing terrorism is not an effective approach. The war led to the death of many innocent soldiers as well as Iraqis an d this creates room for the emergence of terror gangs to show their discontentment. The US ought to respect the sovereignty of other countries and stop imposing leaders on them.It should leave the independent states to carry out their operations independently instead of influencing the decisions they take especially regarding foreign policies. It should also stop playing double standards by applying the bill of rights without discrimination. (Rogers P, 2005). Should any terrorist be arrested they ought to undergo trial before they are arrested and should not be imprisoned before it is carried out. In my opinion, the US should stop the war in Iraq and try to address the allegations of their dominance and its effect on the people.Using forceful means may work in suppressing their enemies but this would not be successful in the long run. The US ought to let the people enjoy their freedom by exercising what they feel is best for them. What they think is best for the Arab world may not b e necessarily be the best for them given the fact that the two regions are different in many aspects. The US has not been very effective in the fight against terrorism as there are instances where terrorists have been successful in their deeds without the US knowledge. Terrorists have been able to move with the times where they have taken advantage of globalization in their operations.They have been able to use the new media like the Internet to recruit new members, train them, seek funds as well as spread their propaganda messages without leaving any mark behind that can lead to their location. The use of the Internet has an added advantage in the sense that it is global in scale, easy to access, less regulated and less costly. The new media has therefore created a barrier in the successful fight against terrorism. (Hamm M, 2005). Terror gangs have become less centralized making it hard for the US to locate and eliminate them.Again, not all states in the world are US allies and som e do not support their ideologies. Instead some find the causes of terror gangs justified and go the extra mile of supporting them by sponsoring their activities abroad as well as harboring them in their countries. Good examples of such countries are Syria and Iran. The strategies carried out by the US are not without criticism from their enemies. The war in Iraq is one strategy that has been used by some as a political weapon where it is cited as a reason behind the persistent terror attacks.In the fight against terrorism, military power, diplomatic, financial intelligence and law enforcement agencies activities are used. Denying terrorist the access to important tools or equipment needed to survive is a way of paralyzing their undertakings. When terrorists are denied finances and weapons they cannot carry out their activities effectively. The current counterterrorism strategies have been moderately effective in fighting terrorism. Advancing democracies is mostly cited as a way of fighting terrorism.The US cites this as a strong point in the fight against terrorism based on the argument that the lack of open systems where people can air their views is a reason behind the emergence of violent ideologies. Another approach used is the prevention of future attacks by terror gangs or networks. Terror networks are also denied the support of rogue states as well as the control of states that they are likely to use as a base for their terror activities. The US has also laid foundations to build the institutions and structures that are needed to fight terrorism until the bitter yet successful end.Other nations have been sensitized on the need to join hands in the global war against terrorism to a greater level where it is more than ensuring that justice prevails by bringing to justice the perpetrators of the 911 attack. These efforts have seen some nations change from being part of the problem to being part of the solution. (National strategy for combating terrorism). The US Patriotic Act has made a remarkable difference in counterterrorism efforts. The formation of the counter terrorism fund had a positive effect in ensuring that the Department of Justice had the required finances to promote their effectiveness and efficiency.(US Department of Justice, 2004). The Act faces much criticism from those who view it as a way of compromising with their civil liberties. However, the Bush administration has through the act have been able to increase their ability of sharing intelligent information which have been used effectively in the fight against terrorism. Laws have been updated to incorporate the changes brought about by technology. Increased surveillance has enabled the authorities to react swiftly to deter terror attacks.Surveillance in the public places which tend to be targets by most terrorists discourages them from perpetrating their heinous acts. (Michaels W, 2002). According to Mark Hamm’s report on Crimes Committed by Terrorist Gro ups it is clear that most terrorists are likely to be involved in money laundering, bank robberies, theft of credit cards and document counterfeiting in trying to satisfy their needs for existence. The law enforcement officials can hinder the effectiveness of terror gangs by simply being keen in preventing the crimes that promote their survival.Curbing what may seem normal criminal activities may have spill over effects in the fight against global terrorism. It is appropriate that the US government invests in intensive research on the causes, effects and means of eradicating terrorism. The research would provide accurate information and the approach used to address terrorism would also be accurate. (Hamm M, 2005). Government officials in the immigration departments must also be keen in their operations. Terrorists must gain access to the areas they want to attack and if this is denied the chances of them committing their acts are minimized.Through their routine work, immigrant offic ials may deter terrorism in the sense that they can identify counterfeit documents of potential terrorists and deal with them before it is too late. (Hamm M, 2005). Routine border inspection can also identify terrorists and thus hinder their effective operations. Local police officers through their routine activities can curb terrorism. The media can play a significant role in determining the success of the efforts or policies adopted to fight terrorism. Media bias can have a negative effect and make the policies unpopular.A positive effect can be created is the media is willing to support the set policies. If the media intentionally ignored the vital information when informing the people of what the government is doing to fight terrorism then the policies might not be supported by many. The information created by the media can also be confusing or misleading paving way for criticism and consequently lowering the efforts made to ensure the success of ‘war on terrorism’. The media has been used by terrorists to show the masses that they still exist. This is clearly evident in the self-declaration of international terrorists that they intend to strike.(National strategy for combating terrorism). This way their supporters and sympathizers are motivated as they can see that the battle is not over. Law enforcement agents must cooperate if the war on terrorism is to be successful. Effective communication must be enhanced so that the fight against terrorism is successful. With combined resources, expertise and intelligence then terror acts would be effectively abolished. The future war on terror is not bliss. Using war to prevent terror attacks has not restored peace and security and instead terror and grief has filled across the Arab world for instance in Afghanistan and Iraq.Many innocent civilians have lost their lives courtesy of the US policies. The remnants of the war can easily collude and wage war against the US as a way of revenge for their loss . The US is laying grounds for fundamentalism and extremism by sowing seeds of hatred which will grow into fruits of a new form of terrorism. (Daniel B and Simon S, 2005). The US should change its strategies as the existing ones are a total failure. Instead of putting the lives of many people on the spot the US ought to explore oil reserves in her soil or better still use alternative sources of energy if it feels threatened by the oil producing countries.Reducing its dependence on the Arab oil producing countries would be one way of their not wanting to poke their noses into the affairs of the Middle East as a whole. The use of diplomacy would also have yielded better results than the use of military force. War brought about the destruction of the country’s economy creating loopholes for bitter feelings that can be expressed through terror attacks. The US is slowly but surely losing its popularity across the globe. Countries that supported their policies have changed their st and.This has been attributed to the fact that some think the US war in Iraq is not just a war on terrorism but a way of ensuring their control over the oil producing countries and consequently maintaining her status quo as a world super power. Another major reason for reduced support is the fact that it has failed to honor the Geneva convections. It is known for not respecting the International laws by the imprisonment of suspects without trial as well as the torturing of others. (Rogers P. 2005). Critics also argue that thorough investigations were not carried out before the termination of the Saddam Hussein regime was terminated.Proper establishment that he had links with the al Qaeda and that he produced weapons of mass destruction ought to have been done before he was destroyed. The US is also accused of playing double standards where it supports oppressive and undemocratic nations like Palestine probably because by doing so it is at a better position. It should address the unde rlying problems affecting the developing countries. By doing so the developing nations would stop viewing them as being out to dominate them. It is illogical to argue that at one point in time terrorism will be a resolved issue.As long as the US policies are not approved or readily accepted by all and there is the existence of extremists then terrorism is here to stay. The rise of left wing terrorists also increases the extent to which domestic terrorism poses a threat to USA. These include extremists like the animal rights and environmental extremists. (Hamm M, 2005). According to my opinion the future position in the ‘War on global terrorism’ will be negative or unsuccessful. The strategies that it is using work to create more enemies and chances are that in the year 2015 these enemies will collude and react to have their voice heard by the whole world.Trying to control the Islam world will not yield a positive effect on the Muslim countries. Terrorists will have a st rong point to motivate people to indulge in terror gangs. The world will become a more dangerous place to live in instead of becoming a haven of peace. The reduced cooperation with other countries to back the US policies is also a worrying fact as far as the global war on terrorism is concerned. Countries opposing the US policies increase the spirit of anti -Americanism and they can magnify their displeasure by supporting the terror gangs. References: Alston Chase. 2004.A Mind for Murder: The Education of the Unabomber and the Origins of Modern Terrorism. W. W. Norton & Company publishers. Benjamin Daniel and Steven Simon. 2005. The Next Attack: The Failure of the War on Terror and a Strategy for Getting It Right. New York: Times Books. Club De Madrid. 2005. The International Summit on democracy, terrorism and security. Addressing the causes of terrorism. Volume 1. Mark Hamm. 2005. Crimes Committed by Terrorist Groups: Theory, Research, and Prevention, Part II, Cases 4 & 5. Retrieve d on 18th June 2008 from http://www. mipt. org/pdf/Crimes-Committed-Terrorist-Groups.pdf National strategy for combating terrorism. 2006. Retrieved on 18th June 2008 from http://www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/nsct/2006/nsct2006. pdf. Tore Bjorgo. 2005. Root Causes of Terrorism: Myths, Reality and Ways Forward Rutledge Publishers. Paul Rogers. 2005. Endless war. The global war on terror and the new Bush Administration. Oxford Research Group. US Department of Justice. 2004. Report from the field. The USA Patriotic Act at work. July 2004. William Michaels. 2002. No Greater Threat: America after September 11 and the Rise of a National Security. Algora Publishing

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Pakistani

In this short story â€Å"Pakistani†, it tells us of a little Pakistani girl who gets picked on because of her race and culture. She’s new to the school and hasn’t made many friends yet. She is alone but wants to be part of the oneness she sees before her in the playground. She gets asked to play by another girl but it goes on to tell us of the discrimination of the little Pakistani girl. The little Pakistani girl is seen as strong, patriotic, quite shy and, although the story does not tell us, attractive. She is strong to not let the other children get to her when they were calling her names. She shows respect for her country and people and also the country she is living in. She is shy to not join in with the other kids to laugh, scream and kick without a care in the world. She wants to be â€Å"part of the wave† and â€Å"to be drowned in an ecstasy of movement†. When she gets asked to play by the short and plum girl, she is excited that she is part of the crowd and not just the one person. She is part of the ‘sea’ that has been created by the other children. The other girl who asks her to play is a â€Å"short and plump† girl â€Å"with round glasses and wispy brown hair.† You get the feeling that she’s nice when she asks the Pakistani girl and yet she is the one who started the discrimination and the name ca lling. With the description given, it makes you wonder if she was alone too at first. In the playground other children kick her but when the Pakistani girl accidentally kicks her, she retaliates. It shows that she has a sense of power over her and is clearly showing off to be popular amongst all the kids. She seemed really surprised when the Pakistani girl did not retaliate or cry. It was a clear sign she was looking for or expecting but did not achieve in upsetting her that much as the Pakistani girl just walks away. The playground is the perfect setting for this kind of story as its one of the most ... Free Essays on Pakistani Free Essays on Pakistani In this short story â€Å"Pakistani†, it tells us of a little Pakistani girl who gets picked on because of her race and culture. She’s new to the school and hasn’t made many friends yet. She is alone but wants to be part of the oneness she sees before her in the playground. She gets asked to play by another girl but it goes on to tell us of the discrimination of the little Pakistani girl. The little Pakistani girl is seen as strong, patriotic, quite shy and, although the story does not tell us, attractive. She is strong to not let the other children get to her when they were calling her names. She shows respect for her country and people and also the country she is living in. She is shy to not join in with the other kids to laugh, scream and kick without a care in the world. She wants to be â€Å"part of the wave† and â€Å"to be drowned in an ecstasy of movement†. When she gets asked to play by the short and plum girl, she is excited that she is part of the crowd and not just the one person. She is part of the ‘sea’ that has been created by the other children. The other girl who asks her to play is a â€Å"short and plump† girl â€Å"with round glasses and wispy brown hair.† You get the feeling that she’s nice when she asks the Pakistani girl and yet she is the one who started the discrimination and the name ca lling. With the description given, it makes you wonder if she was alone too at first. In the playground other children kick her but when the Pakistani girl accidentally kicks her, she retaliates. It shows that she has a sense of power over her and is clearly showing off to be popular amongst all the kids. She seemed really surprised when the Pakistani girl did not retaliate or cry. It was a clear sign she was looking for or expecting but did not achieve in upsetting her that much as the Pakistani girl just walks away. The playground is the perfect setting for this kind of story as its one of the most ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Classic George Orwell Quotes

Classic George Orwell Quotes George Orwell is one of the most famous writers of his time. He is perhaps best known for his controversial novel, 1984, a dystopian tale in which language and truth are corrupted. He also wrote Animal Farm, an anti-Soviet fable where the animals revolt against the humans. A great writer and a true master of words, Orwell is also known for some smart sayings. While you might already know his novels, here is a collection of quotes by the author that you should also know. Ranging from grave to ironic, from dark to optimistic, these George Orwell quotes give a sense of his ideas on religion, war, politics, writing, corporations, and society at large. By understanding Orwells opinions, perhaps readers will be able to better read his works.   On Freedom Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. I sometimes think that the price of liberty is not so much eternal vigilance as eternal dirt. Talking Politics In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. In our age, there is no such thing as keeping out of politics. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Jokes A dirty joke is a sort of mental rebellion. As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me. On War War is a way of shattering to pieces... materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and... too intelligent. On Hubris A tragic situation exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which destroy him. On Advertisements Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. Foodie Talk We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun. On Religion Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil which is independent of heaven and hell. Other Wise Advice   Most people get a fair amount of fun out of their lives, but on balance life is suffering, and only the very young or the very foolish imagine otherwise. Myths which are believed in tend to become true. Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Urgent & Unscheduled Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Urgent & Unscheduled Care - Essay Example Urgent care centres shall be open on a continuous and 24-hour basis. Unscheduled care can be defined not only as the professional care, but also as the social care provided to a patient who cannot be ignored. The need of the unscheduled care is not pre-planned or an appointment with a professional. The concept says that the demand for unscheduled care can possibly incur at any time and the services should be provided in order to fulfil the demands of the one in need. Whenever contacted for, the unscheduled care shall be available. It gives the framework that if the unscheduled care is delayed, it can result in the loss of time or long term illness (Hill 34). The urgent and unscheduled care may have five levels of care at which they are operable. The levels of care are organized in the way of their priorities and type of care required. As the complexity of the problem increases, the volumes of such patients coming for urgent need decreases. This is because the more complex the problem of the patient will be, the more planned and organized the treatment will be for which there is scheduled care. The levels of care are a strategic framework according to which the hospitals and walk in centres prepare their equipment and professionals. The first level of urgent care is the self care. This means the patient is capable enough to provide himself with the immediate care needed, for example an injury happens, so the patient himself washes it, applies an antiseptic and puts on a band-aid. Self care can be provided by the nearby people or family members too. At times self care is provided by professionals through techniques such as the phone and internet. In some countries there are medical professionals who are available on the phone and internet 24 hours a day, so the patient can get the best urgent treatment at home if getting to the hospital may take long (Laird, Wardrope 278). The second level of care is

Friday, November 1, 2019

HR ASSISMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR ASSISMENT - Assignment Example Human resource management is an important area of research, and the resistance is the most important element and the good knowledge of organizational activity is the main part of successful organizational activity. Knowledge in the field of human resource management help different organizations go through the period of change (Ferris, Rosen & Barnum 205). *Numerous researches and books that have been written on the topic confirm the relevance of leadership in developing effective human resource strategies and using them to create and sustain better competitiveness. Every human resource executive should develop leadership skills. Every company has its own rules and limitations which should be learned and carefully analyzed by any human resource manager. These knowledge should be taken into account by human resource manager in the decision making process. Manager must understand the important of skills improvement (Ferris, Rosen & Barnum 205). * As human resource management now represents the essential area of investigation, and the resistance is the most important element as well as the good knowledge of company structure is a central part of successful organizational activity, some key points can be defined for human resource managers. The current state of research confirms human resource executives as the most important asset on company boards (Renckly & Renckly 301). HR executives (and outstanding HR executives, in particular) know most about their employees, employee relationships personnel law, benefits, diversity, compensation, personnel policies, and related employment issues (Renckly & Renckly